Filtering by: Sermon Series – 2023

Dearest Church
to Apr 2

Dearest Church

We often tend to think that God only wants us to talk with Him (and He does!), but God also wants us to listen to HIM when He speaks. And what we discover is that there are times when God speaks and He expects us—especially those of us who are part of His church—to listen to Him. When God speaks to the church, He is specific, to the point, and says exactly what needs to be said.

You’re invited to join us at Journey Church as we go through the very first part of the very last book in the Bible, and read seven letters that God Himself wrote to seven specific churches in the 1st Century…letters that God intends for the church today to read. Starting on February 12th, Pastor Rob will walk us each week through these letters to these seven churches, and we’ll explore the good, the bad, and the (very) ugly things that God had to say. In the process, we’ll learn how God wants to speak to OUR church in a series titled Dearest Church…Letters from God to His Church.

Week One—February 12

Can I Have Your Attention Please?

An Introduction to the Head of the Church

Jesus is the Head of the church. The church is God’s idea. God cares specifically about what a church does and what a church is…and who attends personally.

Week Two—February 19

This Is Why the Church Hasn’t Been Working for You Lately

The Church at Ephesus, the Church That Slid Backward

The Ephesian believers were so busy maintaining their separation that they were neglecting adoration. Labor is no substitute for love; neither is purity a substitute for passion. The church must have both if it is to please Him.

Week Three—February 26

The Crown Is Worth the Cost

The Church in Smyrna, the Suffering Church

The church in Smyrna was one of two churches that were not rebuked at all, but this church was under intense persecution because they refused to yield to emperor worship. This letter was an invitation for them to hold on and receive the crown of life.

Week Four—March 5

You’re Strong but Not Invincible

The Church in Pergamum, the Church That Made Exceptions

The church in Pergamum was commended for their strength—they remained faithful to God during some intense opposition, but still, God was fed up with their continuing in sin and doctrinal error. There was the idea that they were “strong enough” to handle things that God expressly forbade, very much in the same way that we do today.

Week Five—March 12

Your Business Is My Business

The Church in Thyatira, the Church Kept Church at Church

The church in Thyatira was a busy church, involved in the city greatly impacted by the culture within which they lived. Because of the presence of guilds and unions, this city was a place where tradesmen had to yield to certain practices in order to carry on business, a “go along to get along” mentality, or “what happens outside of church stays outside of church” approach. This approach led this church down the path of moral compromise for the sake of business success, and people accepted this dichotomy…but God didn’t.

Week Six—March 19

Fear the Walking Dead

The Church in Sardis, the Church That Made the Secondary Primary

The church in Sardis was one of the hardest letters because what we learn is that they were an active church with a good reputation in their city, but mostly, the church was spiritually dead. The Gospel that had been preached and taught was no longer, and their social activism replaced the spiritual life of the church as what was most important, and it killed the spiritual life of the church.

Week Seven—March 26

Being Impressive Isn't What Impresses Me

The Church in Philadelphia, the Church That Held On

The church in Philadelphia receives only the 2nd letter with no condemnation but only commendation—it is a letter of hope for a small church that was enduring opposition, a letter inviting them to hold on and informing them that great things lie ahead. It is the church we all desire to be part of, and one of its big characteristics was that it was faithful to the message it had initially received and to Jesus Christ.

Week Eight—April 2

Won't Someone Let Me In?

The Church in Laodicea, the Church That Was Just Fine...Until It Wasn't

The church in Laodicea received perhaps the harshest letter, as Jesus exposed this church for its indifference and lack of desire to make an impact that the church resembled a social club, not a church of Jesus Christ.  In this letter, we see the harshest rebuke: “I’ll vomit you out,” which tells us that there are times when God would rather NOT be represented than be misrepresented. And the saddest words representing that Jesus had been shut out of the church are also the most encouraging because there is hope—the words, “I stand at the door and knock.”


➔ We look forward to seeing you either in person or online!

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to Feb 5


As we begin the new year, we are faced with the challenges of inflation and higher costs unlike most any of us have faced in our lifetimes.  With costs being such a challenge, a situation can be exponentially worse if someone is struggling with money! As the saying goes, “You cannot be a whole-hearted follower of Jesus and be lost in the area of personal finances!”

So for five weeks beginning on January 8, we’re going to spend time looking at what God says about our money and how we can both provide for our families and honor Him by applying sound biblical wisdom that will make life so much more manageable. Be sure not to miss even one week of LO$T.

Week One—January 8

God’s Invitation into Your Desperation

One of the most frustrating and desperate experiences is to be LOST, especially when it comes to finances. Your personal finances should be the easiest area for you NOT to be lost. Come learn how.

DOWNLOAD A 2023 Budget Worksheet HERE!

Week Two—January 15

Getting a Grip on What You’ve Got

God’s plan for your life is intricately linked with your resources. If you grasp that, you can use your worldly resources to make an eternal impact!

Week Three—January 22

Why God Gives You More than You Need

While our culture teaches us to seek “more, more, more,” God invites us into a different way of thinking when He gives us extra.

Week Four—January 29

Go from Winging It to Winning It Using Wisdom

When it comes to money, we can get and feel LOST very easily. We’ll explore 4 wise decisions to help you get—and STAY—on track.


Week Five—February 5

Losing Your Appetite for the Temporary

Discontentment causes us to invest in the things of this world and forget about eternity. Learn how you can get a handle on this appetite and gain eternal wealth.


➔ We look forward to seeing you either in person or online!

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